Viking battle axe (low/high poly) 3d model . The wolf on the axe is Fenrir (a mythical creature in vikings culture ) This model is game ready with quad-polygon and both high poly and low poly models are available in both .max and .blend files. You can also export the super high-poly model for 3d-printing from Substance file (It's very high-poly to upload) Substance painter file is available for you to export for any engine you want and you can also change the textures properties . (textures are in 4K) And if you purchaced the model you can ask me for a new texture-set or any change in the model . Both .blend and .max file have textures set on the model (on both models)
high-poly model poly-counts are :
Blade : 38,000 Handle : 11,200
Low-poly model's poly-count :
Blade :1,188 Handle : 352
And if you needed any thing else you can email me :)