Inspired by an unkown artist, I created this axe based on his design idea. My design lacks some details for the sake of polygon amount yet it looks exactly like this. This is such an awesome model for your star wars related fan works so don't hesitate on downloading.
Your render settings will change the way this model looks so make sure you are enabled bloom,ao and screen space reflections if you are a blender user. I also recommend using a hdri.
I used one 4K Displacement Texture and one 2K Displacement Texture. There is no other textures involved in my model so you can change the color of axe and more.
I put a .stl file in case you might want to 3D Print it. Blender says it has thin faces so if you are willing to 3D Print this, make sure you did all checks and re-arrangements. I didn't use subdivision surface modifier so it looks kinda low-poly now. You can add that modifier in blender if you want to 3D Print this more smooth but complex.