Half hand-painted, highly detailed, and rigged,these 2 models are compatible with your game engine of choice.
Newer version available: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/military/melee/sci-fi-swords-pack-1(Remake models & textures are also available in the download list of this product)
Real world scale: approximatively 5cm X 165cm X 20cm
This product includes(Sci-fi Frozen Sword and Dark Long Blade & Sword and Sheath): Unreal Engine 4: - BaseColor - Emissive - MetallicRoughnessOcclusion - Normal
Unity 5: Default: - AlbedoTransparency - Emission - MetallicSmoothness - Normal Specular setup: - AlbedoTransparency - Emission - SpecularSmoothness - Normal
Default Maps: - AmbientOcclusion - BaseColor - Emissive - Metallic - Roughness - Normal_DirectX - Normal_OpenGL
*All Maps are in 4096x4096
Sci-fi Frozen Sword and Dark Long Sword are alsoavailable separately.
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