Gladius is the Latin word for sword. Early ancient Roman swords were similar to the swords used by the Greeks. Beginning in the 3rd century BC, the Romans adopted swords similar to those used by the Celtiberians and other peoples in the initial period of the conquest of Spain. This type of sword was known as the Gladius Hispaniensis, orSpanish sword. It was once thought that they were similar to later Mainz-type swords, but the evidence now shows that this is most likely not the case. Rather, these early blades followed somewhat different patterns, being longer and narrower, and were probably those that Polybius described as well adapted for both slashing and stabbing. Later, the existing gladiuses are now known as the Mainz, Fulham and Pompeii types. In the last Roman period, Vegetius Flavius Renatus refers to swords called semispathae(orsemispathia) andspathae, for both of which he seems to considergladius an appropriate term.Model are made in the blender program,textured in the substanse painter, renderers are made in the marmoset toolbag.