Old Katana sword with damage details.Ready for use in Unreal Engine and Unity.Mesh seperated in following parts: Handle, Fuchi, Tsuba, Seppa and Habaki, Blade, Scabbard, Sageo(scabbard paracord).Each part has own texture set and high quality textures with the resolution of 4096x4096 exported out of Substance Painter.Textures format are PNG.All parts of mesh have Non-overlapping UV Mapping.
Textures types:
PBR Metalic and roughness: BaseColor, Roughness, Metalness, Normal, Height, Ambient Occlusion.
Unreal Engine: BaseColor, Normal, OcclusionRoughnessMetallic.
Unity: AlbedoTransparency(BaseColor), Normal, MetallicSmoothness, Ambient Occlusion.
There are 4 base color textures for Katana Handle and Sageo mesh with different colors of paracord(Black, Brown, Red, Greenish Cyan, Old white) as shown in the screenshot.There are also 2 color variations for Katana handle with Old White paracord: Handle with black rayskin or white rayskin.
Katana have have 2 versions level of detailing.The only difference between LOD0 and LOD1 is that LOD1 has low detailed Katana handle and Sageo(scabbard paracord) mesh.
Total details:
Triangle mesh
LOD0: Tris: 25068 | Polys: 25068 | Verts : 12645
LOD1: Tris: 12324 | Polys: 12324 | Verts : 6267
Poly mesh
LOD0: Polys: 12613 | Verts : 12645
LOD1: Polys: 6241 | Verts : 6267
There is Katana 3ds max scene for Vray render, with already assigned materials and textures.You can set any curve angle for katana sword with already added Bend modifier in 3ds max.Scene created in 3ds max 2016 with Vray rendering plugin v4.20.There is also Marmoset scene for preview with already assigned textures.Scene created in Marmoset toolbag v3.08(3080).You may have to relink textures.