Long Sword Mark III - is a low-poly, game-ready model. Textures contain of 4k normal maps - baked in Marmoset Toolbag - and 4k textures - textured in Substance Painter.
This project took me in 5,5 hours of work. I really enjoyed making this model. Through some sketching I came with an idea of a big curved sabre-looking sword with a long handle.
4K Textures: Base Color Height Metallic Normal Roughness
I did not want visuals of this model to be monotonous and common in look with the previous models. When I started texturing, I did not want it to be vastly different from the whole visual style of my weapon pack. But, suddenly I was catched by the flow of my imagination - and made this white, scratched steel sword with a bone handle and leather wraps covered in old blood. I find final look of this sword quite brutal and fitting for some post-apocalyptic setting.