Product Description : A Guillotine in FBX and Object formats. Two object files : 1. The Blade is Up. 2. The Blade is down and bloody. Two Textures for the Blade objects : 1.BladeBloody.jpg 2.BladeNoBlood.jpg One Texture for the other objects. GuillotineFrame.jpg This product is for use in any software that can open: Wavefront object files.(.obj) and/or FBX files (.fbx) UV mapped (non-overlapping)All Quads and Tris Software Compatibility : This product is for use in any software that can open: Wavefront object files.(.obj) and/or FBX files (.fbx)
Tested in : Gic Player, FBX review, Cheetah 3D, and Poser Pro 2014 Poser Dev (NOT EXCLUSIVELY FOR USE IN POSER.) Generally scaled but not exclusively for poser figures. System Compatibility : All systems Compatible Textures Included : This product uses image maps for textures. 2048 x 2048 Template (if included) : 1024 x 1024 File Format: fbx and/or Wavefront obj This product contains: fbx and/or obj files. Polygon Count : 21672 approx Vertices : 21763 approx