Unity and UE4 compatible textures included
OBJ, FBX, Blender mesh formats.
All of the textures are in 4096x4096 resolution.
Scaled to the realistic size.
Includes two versions of textures: clean and with bloody blade.
Ewart Oakeshott describes swords of Type XIV classification as ...short, broad and sharply-pointed blade, tapering strongly from the hilt, of flat section (the point end of the blade may, in some examples, have a slight though perceptible mid-rib, with a fuller running about half, or a little over, of its length. This may be single and quite broad or multiple and narrow. The grip is generally short (average 3.75 or 9.5 cm) though some as long as 4.5(11.4 cm). The pommel is always ofwheel" form, sometimes very wide and flat. The cross is generally rather long and curved (very rarely straight). These swords enjoyed great popularity between 1270 and 1340, and though represented widely in period artwork and on effigial monuments, survivors of this type are relatively rare. By Oakeshott's estimate, some 80% of English knightly effigies from the period of 1290-1330 illustrate Type XIV swords. Their popularity can probably be attributed to the increasing defenses they faced.