Lore: Evilish Dagger, it’s alive and it’s immortal, a soul was sealed in order to give it its power. The daggers were snakes from hell , mythological creatures that have divine powers, some dark shamans travelled to the underworld to find these snakes and sealed their souls and deadly powers in the daggers, only one shaman returned but died the next day. These daggers poison anyone but the wielder.
note: the human shadow is just to appreciate the weapon in a humanoid hands
512x512 texture========================================== In this file you will find:
*The Blender file with the high and low versions of the game asset.
*FBX file, I tried the file in windows 3d viewer and textures are working, I have included a picture.
*Included the _low and _high fbx versions, so you can also make changes in Substance Painter.
*I added the .ssp (substance painter file)
Blender texture files: If the textures are not showing (pinkish color) remember you can upload them by: unzip the Blender textures, in the folder you will find the maps you need, Then just go to Blender, File > External Data > Find Missing files> and choose the folder you just unzipped.
Unreal Engine texture files: when you bring the fbx file to unreal engine, unzip the unreal engine textures I provided, then in the nodes system connect Base Color to Base Color, Emmisive to Emmisive color, Normal to Normal, and because in Unreal engine uses one one for the other 3 textures, just take the red to Ambient Occlussion, green to Roughness, and blue to Metallic, save it, I uploaded pictures as reference.