I was watching some horror videos on the Youtube yesterday , and there is some one who I was considering her a friend before but now I do not , and I thought about that she may be acting badly because she is stressed , and she got this stress because of fear and this because she is living by her self , she is alone in her flat , so I thought that I hate her this much but not that much to abandone her while she needs help and this is all her problem , but when I opened the chat to talk to her I found hat she is reviewing one of my stories , although I hate her because I asked her once before if she smoking , and she replied none of your buisness and did not apologize until now .
I do not want to hear that she is the female so she must do as she pleased , no , because if the females are this strong as the men , and ask for their places in life like men , then they must be treated as men in every thing , this is justice , also I am can not go to live with her because we are not married nor even in love , I know that forigners can live together male and female , eat together , take bath together , sleep together , and after that they try to decide if they are going to marry or not , it is different in my culture , they love each other and then they marry and live together as they please , of course it is better because the people are sure and can cary the wieght and responsbilty of their marriage until the end of their life , of course there are devorcing but you have the same in your cultures too , so our culture is better , I do not like talking bad about other cultures but do not talk bad about mine , because I do not live with some girl I know .
Any way I felt angry that she reviewed my story and asked her why , so she said randomly , so I told her that is what expected from random thing like her , because she appeared in my life randomly , and I decided not to ask her about her stress or fear , I can be this evil .
Now why did I tell you this story !? because I wanted to find some thing to write to raise my publishing score .
Now we have 9 great swords with different elements : Water , Fire , Ice , Grass , Earth , Wind , Thunder , Light , Darkness , each sword for 6 dollars , which means the collection is for 54 dollars , but I did not calulate the discount from site , each sword contain 2200 polygons .