High-quality custom game-ready low-poly Post-Apocalypse shields assets bundle contains 3 assets: Police Shield, Modified Door from old Soviet Refrigerator Dnipro, and Wooden shield with barbed wire.
All 3 models are Lodded (3 LODS) and ready for use in Unity or Unreal Engine 4, for use in VR/AR and any rendering techniques. These models will perfect fits to any FPS/3rd person games as a secondary-hand equipable armor or may be used just like for post-app decorations.
Props list and polycount:
1) Dnipro Shield:LOD0 - Polys 616 | Tris 1194 | Verts 620LOD1 - Polys 419 | Tris 758 | Verts 398LOD2- Polys 231 | Tris 396 | Verts 214
2)Police Shield:LOD0 - Polys 847 | Tris 1586 | Verts 842 LOD1 - Polys 464 | Tris 857 | Verts 466LOD2 - Polys 234 | Tris 427 | Verts 249
3)Wooden Shield:LOD0 - Polys 5563 | Tris 9938 | Verts 5127LOD1 - Polys 3654 | Tris 6550 | Verts 3433 LOD2 - Polys 352 | Tris 618| Verts 381
Models have been made using:
Included Map Types:Albedo (TGA)Metalness (TGA)Ambient Occlusion (TGA)Normalmap (TGA)Gloss (TGA)
Format file:-.Fbx-.obj-.3ds-.max-*.abc
Models use PBR textures.
Pivots placed in logic places of geometry.
You can downscale the textures from 2K to 1K or lower depending on your needs but you'll get the highest resolution to decide for yourself.
Get in touch:
In case of questions please contact us via email developer@eforb.ua or text us messages on our Artstation page https://www.artstation.com/eforb.
You can also visit our website: https://eforb.com/