Weapon Mods Vol 1 - FPS Gun Attachments for Unreal Engine

Weapon Mods Vol 1 - FPS Gun Attachments for Unreal Engine Low-poly 3D model


What's inside?

AAA quality weapon attachments for Picatinny / ‎Weaver rail with PBR textures, 3 LODs.

Package includes Unreal Engine project & import sources (FBX, TGA).

Includes 9 attachments: angular grip (static), folding grip (static & skeletal), holographic magnifier (static & skeletal), holographic sight short (static), holographic sight long (static), optical sight (static & skeletal), silencer (static), target pointer (static & skeletal), thermal sight (static & skeletal). Materials: monochrome - black, desert, winter, woodland; supports scratch intensity, color parameters. Render target / crosshair materials with lens depth imitation and parallax effect.



Tactical tuning kit for weapons.

Mods list:

  1. Angular grip
  2. Folding grip
  3. Holographic magnifier
  4. Holographic sight short
  5. Holographic sight long
  6. Optical sight
  7. Silencer
  8. Target pointer
  9. Thermal sight

Folding Grip animations:

  • Collapsed pose

Holographic Magnifier animations:

  • Expanded pose
  • Reduced height pose

Thermal Sight animations:

  • Turned on pose
  • Standby pose

Technical Details

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Collision: Yes, custom


  • AngledGrip (LOD0: 990 t / 1048 v, LOD1: 750 t / 1166 v, LOD2: 286 t / 328 v, LOD3: 20 t / 38 v)
  • FoldingGrip (LOD0: 1300 t / 1209 v, LOD1: 762 t / 796 v, LOD2: 255 t / 298 v, LOD3: 60 t / 84 v)
  • HolographicMagnifier (LOD0: 4932 t / 5121 v, LOD1: 3152 t / 3736 v, LOD2: 1047 t / 1458 v, LOD3: 169 t / 293 v)
  • HolographicSight L (LOD0: 2768 t / 2847 v, LOD1: 1808 t / 2038 v, LOD2: 520 t / 815 v, LOD3: 76 t / 135 v)
  • HolographicSight S (LOD0: 3960 t / 3870 v, LOD1: 2636 t / 2929 v, LOD2: 912 t / 1262 v, LOD3: 84 t / 168 v)
  • OpticalSight (LOD0: 7674 t / 7806 v, LOD1: 4399 t / 5029 v, LOD2: 1601 t / 2336 v, LOD3: 272 t / 436 v)
  • Silencer (LOD0: 860 t / 938 v, LOD1: 390 t / 461 v, LOD2: 116 t / 128 v, LOD3: 12 t / 18 v)
  • TargetPointer (LOD0: 3872 t / 3843 v, LOD1: 1990 t / 2220 v, LOD2: 698 t / 792 v, LOD3: 20 t / 38 v)
  • ThermalSight (LOD0: 16632 t / 14574 v, LOD1: 7892 t / 7691 v, LOD2: 1610 t / 1985 v, LOD3: 192 t / 354 v)

Number of Unique Meshes: 10

Number of Meshes: 5 Skeletal 10 Static

Number of Materials and Instances: 16 Materials, 91 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 104

Texture Resolutions: 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096

Number of Animations: 5

Supported Engine Versions: 4.20 - 4.27


Сopy the folder WeaponModsVol1/Content/WeaponModsVol1 to your project's Content folder.

Project Setup

1) Bind axis mappings in project settings similar to official FPS template:

  • Turn: MouseX (Scale: 1.0)
  • LookUp: MouseY (Scale: -1.0)
  • MoveForward: W (Scale: 1.0), S (Scale: -1.0)
  • MoveRight: D (Scale: 1.0), A (Scale :-1.0)

2) Set in project settings Near Clip Plane to 2.0

Naming Convention

The project structure and file names are adhered to Unreal Engine's naming convention.


2.0.0 / 17-05-2021

  • Meshes downscaled to match real world.
  • Polycount increased.
  • Textures detailing improved.
  • Content related demo blueprints changes.


  • Initial release

Support & Communication

For quick answer responses or help with product, please use email - write us to support@rebelthorp.com

Phoenix-Connor2021-05-19 18:26:54 UTC
good job!
church2020-07-20 01:30:04 UTC
really looking forward to trying these out
pukamakara2019-12-24 07:26:58 UTC
Adorable work
airports-world2019-09-15 06:19:33 UTC
Item rating
1 0
jonathan-cumming2019-09-01 03:46:10 UTC
Great package very well presented!
Weapon Mods Vol 1 - FPS Gun Attachments for Unreal Engine
Royalty Free License 
Weapon Mods Vol 1 - FPS Gun Attachments for Unreal Engine
Royalty Free License 
Response 68% in 24.0h
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • UnrealEngine (.uasset) (2 files)1.37 GBVersion: 2.0.0 for 4.22 - 4.27Version: 2.0.0 for 4.20, 4.21
  • Autodesk FBX 2.0.0 (.fbx)482 MB
  • Textures 2.0.0482 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-05-28
  • Model ID#1996011
  • Animated approved
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly approved
  • PBR approved
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Mixed
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing