What's inside?
AAA quality weapon attachments for Picatinny / Weaver rail with PBR textures, 3 LODs.
Package includes Unreal Engine project & import sources (FBX, TGA).
Includes 9 attachments: angular grip (static), folding grip (static & skeletal), holographic magnifier (static & skeletal), holographic sight short (static), holographic sight long (static), optical sight (static & skeletal), silencer (static), target pointer (static & skeletal), thermal sight (static & skeletal). Materials: monochrome - black, desert, winter, woodland; supports scratch intensity, color parameters. Render target / crosshair materials with lens depth imitation and parallax effect.
Tactical tuning kit for weapons.
Mods list:
Folding Grip animations:
Holographic Magnifier animations:
Thermal Sight animations:
Technical Details
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes, custom
Number of Unique Meshes: 10
Number of Meshes: 5 Skeletal 10 Static
Number of Materials and Instances: 16 Materials, 91 Material Instances
Number of Textures: 104
Texture Resolutions: 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096
Number of Animations: 5
Supported Engine Versions: 4.20 - 4.27
Сopy the folder WeaponModsVol1/Content/WeaponModsVol1 to your project's Content folder.
Project Setup
1) Bind axis mappings in project settings similar to official FPS template:
2) Set in project settings Near Clip Plane to 2.0
Naming Convention
The project structure and file names are adhered to Unreal Engine's naming convention.
2.0.0 / 17-05-2021
Support & Communication
For quick answer responses or help with product, please use email - write us to support@rebelthorp.com