Verification details of the FBX file
No N-gonsNo faceted geometryManifold geometry
PBR texturesNo embed texturesSquare texturesPower of 2 texture sizesAssigned materials
No UV overlapsUV unwrapped model
Title: VHS-2[Bullpup Rifle][Assaultrifle]Artist: JayMonkeyYear: 2/8/2025Subject: 3D Weapon Model
- 4k Textures
- High Quality Jpeg Textures 11/12 Compression
- Package Size 53.9 MB
- Blender File
- FBX File
- 3 Material Texture Sets:
- Main Gun
- Regular Mag
- Extended Mag
- PBR Textures:
- Base
- Metallic
- Roughness
- Normal
- Statistics:
- Objects: 5
- Vertices: 10,698
- Edges: 30,728
- Faces: 20,122
- Triangles: 20,517
- 10 Preview Render Images
- Sling Mounts
- Optics Mount
- Packaged All In A Zip File
Tags: Soviet, Era, Kalashnikov, Automatic, Gun, Weapon, Assaultrifle, Semi, Fully, Rifle, AK, AKM, AK47AK74, Battle, War, Machine, Kalashnikova, Classic, Firearm, Original, Type-56, Type, 56, Chinese, Polytech,Norinco, M70, Yugo, VHS-2, VHS, Croatian, Bullpup