An experimental multi-barrel Assault Rifle made in the Soviet Union named TKB-059.
Model information:
Available in formats: FBX,OBJ,Blend file and SPP.
Includes 3 texture sets for the gun model, 1 for the magazine model and for 1 for the cartridge model.
Verts count: 37,359 verts,(Gun), 4,746 verts (Magazine) and 350x9 verts (cartridge).
Each part is a separated mesh.
Includes DC and PBR textures
Native texture Resolution: Front - 4kRear - 4kMagazine - 2kAmmo - 256pAll textures available in Document Channels and PBR settings. You can set texture resolution by yourself by exporting textures from Substance Painter (Version 2021 or later) using the .spp save file.