Thompson submachine gun
The Thompson submachine gun (also known as the Tommy Gun, Chicago Typewriter, Chicago Piano, “Trench Sweeper” or Trench Broom) is a blowback-operated, air-cooled, magazine-fed selective-fire submachine gun, invented by United States Army Brigadier general John T. Thompson in 1918. It was originally designed to break the stalemate of trench warfare of World War I, but was not finished until after the war ended.
FORMATS: FBX, OBJ, BLEND, DXF( if u need it for some reasons), tbscene(if u need to make more renders),
Native format .blend
1 objects(have 1 blend file with separate objects(bullet, magazine, gun))
The geometry has been triangulated to ensure it shades as accurately as possible in game engines.
No n-gons
Textures in .png format
Real-size world object
Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag
Maps baked in Marmoset Toolbag
Textured in Substance painter
Wireframes screenshots included
Soft used: Marmoset Toolbag, Adobe Substance 3d painter, Photoshop, Blender
FACES: 8235 VERTS:4413 Tris: 8235
Tris only model
This product is intended for game/real time/background use. Renders done in Marmoset Toolbag . Default renders in blender will NOT look like the preview images. The Marmoset Toolbag scene IS included.
Includes maps PBR Metallic/roughness : Normal, Roughness, Metallic, Height, BaseColor
Includes unity packed 4maps: Albedo, Normal map, MetallicRoughness
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