Thompson M1A1 with 30-round magazine - .45 ACP
Originally modelled in cinema4D. Detailed enough for close-up renders. The zip-file contains bodypaint textures and standard materials.
No special plugin needed to open scene.
Phong shading interpolation / Smoothing - 35°
NOTE - In lwo, obj, 3ds and fbx the 2 Bumpmaps (Receiver_Bump and Trigger_Mech_Bump) must manually load in the Materialcanal.
c4d Version R16
Polygones - 29563 Vertices - 18340 - 6 Objects - 8 textures - 2 bumpmaps
obj File - lwo file - 3ds file - fbx file Version 2010
Answering the call for further simplification, the M1 was standardized in April 1942 as the United States Submachine Gun, Cal. .45, M1. Rate of fire was reduced to approximately 600-700 rpm. First issued in 1943, the M1 uses a simple blowback operation, the charging handle was moved to the side, and the flip-up adjustable Lyman rear sight was replaced with a fixed L sight. Late M1 Thompsons had the triangular rear sight guard wings added to the L sight which was standardized on the M1A1 version. The slots adjoining the magazine well allowing use of the drum magazine were removed. The less expensive and more-easily manufactured stick magazines were used exclusively in the M1, with a new 30-round version joining the familiar 20-round type.