The SVT-40 (Samozaryadnaya Vintovka Tokareva, Obrazets 1940 goda, Tokarev self-loading rifle, model of 1940, Russian: Самозарядная винтовка Токарева, образец 1940 года, often nicknamed Sveta) is a Soviet semi-automatic battle rifle that saw widespread service during and after World War II. It was intended to be the new service rifle of the Soviet Red Army, but its production was disrupted by the German invasion in 1941, resulting in a change back to the Mosin–Nagant rifle for the duration of World War II. After the war, the Soviet Union adopted new rifles, such as the SKS and the AK-47.
this model has been updated and improved in some details compared to previous versions, it has been divided into component parts to allow better post-processing.
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