---General Information---
---Detailed Model Specifications--- The weapon contains 21 separate objects and are ready to be rigged or comfigured. the objects are:
Verticies: 7934Polygons: 15241
Verticies: 1133Polygons: 2094
Others:*Flashlight (Polygons: 3802)*BottleSuppressor (Polygons: 1180)*MuzzleBrake (Polygons: 1442)
---Texture Information--- (Seven(7) set)
General PBR textures: BaseColor Metallic Roughness Normal AO
Unity 5 Textures: Albedo MetallicSmoothness Normal
Unreal Engine 4 textures: BaseColor OcclusionRoughnessMetallic Normal
Both Unity 5 and Unreal Engine 4 Textures come with a ReadMe to setup the material in both Engines.