Modular Mossberg 590A1 as used by the US military – Lowpoly model and Textures for realtime (inGame) use. Can be used for VR/AR aswell.
Not inteded for Subdivision / 3D Printing
If there are any problems, or if you have any questions regarding this purchase, please contact me via and i will get back to you shortly.
If you are unsure whether or not to purchase this item, check out this free grenade, to see for yourself what to expect.You can find it following the link below, or on my cgtrader profile page. All my gameready uploads follow the same structure.
3D model and textures ready to be imported in your game or project.
The Model was created using Maya 2018.2 and has been textured in Supstance Painter 2018.1.1.The polycount matches current generation games like Call of Duty, Battlefield 1, Rainbow Six Siege etc.
This Mossberg 590A1 3D Model is setup, so you can easy customize the weapon to your liking.
Customizable parts are:
Both, the sight assembly and heatshield have seperate UVs and textures, so its easy to change them for any other sight or attachments you might want to add.
Names and Logos are all fictional, yet close to the original for believability.
All textures are available in high resolution, exported from Substance Painter using export presets for Unreal Engine 4; CryEngine3 and Unity5 aswell as default channel exports for any other purpose.
All Textures are exported in 8bit .tga (Truevision), aswell as in 16bit .psd format, for easy adjustments in Photoshop. The gun textures come in 4K, and the Cartridge textures in 2K resolution, but thanks to the psd. you, can tweak, resize and export textures in any way or resolution you like.
I do not have access to a copy of 3DSMAX yet, so i am afraid i cannot provide 3DSMAX files, but i included a non merged, non triangulated .fbx, so you can easily access the model in any 3D Software, without the need for maya. Keep in mind though, that textures have been baked using the triangulated model included.To avoid possible shading issues, i highly recommend using the triangulated version included.
Model and textures are all ready to be imported into your game engine of choice. Once imported, you need to follow the official engine documentation to setup materials.
There are no engine materials included! There are not rigs or animations included!
Naming Convention:
Table of Contents:All content included is packed in a RAR archive, named and placed in folders for maximum readability. Download size should be around 620MB. Unzipped, all content is about 3,5GB.
Texture Sizes:
Meshes: (ASCII)
The are 2 texture sets for this model. One for the gun itself, one for the cartridge/shell.Textures included for each texture set:
There is a Readme file included, that includes all the information stated here, plus some additional information aswell.
Legal Terms:
By purchasing you agreed to all following terms:
The buyer, may he/her be an induvidual or company, is hereby granted a lifetime right,to use all content included in this purchase for developing any number of commercial or non-commercial products. Further, the buyer is granted the right to issue all content included in this purchase, to any employee or contractor, but for the sole purpose of contributing to pruducts controlled by the buyer of this purchase.
All content included in this purchase must be merely a component and not the primary focus of any product produced using the content included in this purchase, neither commercial, nor non-commercial.
Buyers and their employees are free to modify any content included in this purchase.
All content in this purchase is non-transferable and cannot be sub-licensed in any way, for any other reason as stated above.Buyers are not allowed to redistribute any content included in this purchase, for any other reason as stated above, whether it be modified or not.
For any question regarding this model feel free to send a mail to davidsikorsky.fl@gmail.comor send me a private message and i will get back to you shortly.