48 firearms weapon models without animationsHigh-resolution textures, models of high quality, diffuse, normal, specular.All weapons are prepared for amination, functional parts of weapon are flexible.
Assault rifle - 9 Assault rifle 1 - Russian Assault Rifle version 2011, caliber 5,45 Tris 10013, 4 textures 1024x1024, 3 textures 512512, 1 texture 256 512 (normal, specular maps included).Assault rifle 2 - Soviet assault rifle, version 1947, caliber 7,62 Tris 5280, 1 texture 512512, texture 512x1024, 2 textures 1024x1024 (normal, specular maps included)Assault rifle 3 - Soviet assault rifle, version 1979, caliber 5,45 Tris 5145, 1 texture 256256, 2 textures 1024x1024, 1 texture 10242048 (normal, specular maps included)Assault rifle 4 - Soviet assault rifle, version 1979, caliber 5,44 Tris 5843, 1 textures 512x512, and 4 textures 1024x1024 (normal, specular maps included)Assault rifle 5 - Russian Assault Rifle, version 1997, caliber 5,45 Tris 4990, 1 texture 512x512, 1 texture 1024x1024 (normal, specular maps included)Assault rifle 6 - Russian Assault Rifle, version 2010, caliber 12,7 Tris 8311, 1 texture 512x512, 2 textures 1024x1024 (normal, specular maps included)Assault rifle 7 - Soviet Assault Rifle, version 1979, caliber 5,44 Tris 9634, 1 texture 1024x512, 4 textures 512x512 (normal, specular maps included)Assault rifle 8 - Soviet Assault Rifle, version 1987, caliber 9 Tris 3409, 1 texture 512x512, 2 textures 1024x1024 have (normal, specular maps included)Assault rifle 9 - American automatic rifle, version 1992, caliber 5,56 Tris 17672, 2 textures 1024x1024, 5 textures 1024x512, 1 texture 1024x256, 2 textures 512x256, 4 textures 512x512, 1 texture 764x520, 2 textures 256x256 (normal, specular maps included)
Handgun - 10Handgun 1 - American gun, version 1990, caliber 44, 45 Tris 4553, 1 texture 256x256, 1 texture 1024x1024 (normal, specular maps included)Handgun 2 - Italian Gun, version 1957, caliber 9Tris 3681, 1 texture 1024x512, 1 texture 1024x1024 (normal, specular maps included)Handgun 3 - American and Israel Gun, version 1983, caliber .50 Tris 4081, 2 textures 512x512, 2 textures 1024x1024 (normal, specular maps included)Handgun 4 - Austrian Gun, version 1982, caliber 9Tris 10326, 1 textures 512x512, 1 texture 1024x512, 1 texture 1024x1024 (normal, specular maps included)Handgun 5 - American Gun, version 1911, caliber 45Tris 1084, 3 textures 512512, 1 texture 512256, 1 texture 10241024 (normal, specular maps included)Handgun 6 - Soviet Gun, version 1948, caliber 9 Tris 5473, 2 textures 512x512, texture 1024x1024 (normal, specular maps included)Handgun 7 - Russian Gun, version 1995 (caliber 9) Tris 1759, 1 texture 512256, texture 256256, 2 textures 512 512 (normal, specular maps included)Handgun 8 - Russian Gun, version 2000 (caliber 9) Tris 9191, 1 texture 2048x2048 (normal, specular maps included)Handgun 9 - Soviet Gun version 1930 (caliber 7.62) Tris 4315, 1 texture 2048x2048 (normal, specular maps included)Handgun 10 - Russian handgun,version 2002, caliber 4,5Tris 2379, 1 texture 1024x512, 1 texture 512 x 256, 5 textures 512x512, 1 texture 128x512 (normal, specular maps included) Machine Gun - 2Machine Gun 1 - Soviet Machine Cun, version 1961, caliber 7,62 Tris 9316, 1 texture 256x256, 1 texture 1024x1024 (normal, specular maps included)Machine Gun 2 - Soviet machine gun, version 1974, caliber 5,45 Tris 8404, 1 texture 512x512, 1 texture 2048x2048