Featuring 8 Lowpoly URP Mobile-VR optimized pistols with under 3000Tris and a single 1k texture set (with optional 4k variants) each:-CZ P07-KARD-Makarov-Colt 1911-F12-GSH-18-G17-Automag
All preview renders are made inside Unity using the URP workflow using 1k textures.
Marmoset Previews conatain the 1024x1024 version on the right side and 4k versions on the left.
All models are available in Obj and FBX formats and includes Unity, Unreal Engine, as well as PBR Metallic Roughness textures. please reach out if different formats/texture Environments are required.
For best quality in Unity make sure to disable texture compression or set compression quality to High, for importing FBX files in correct rotation tick the bake axis conversion option in imported fbx.
All weapons feature capped magazines that display the first 1-3 bullets as well as fully modeled barrels and chamber.
Each of the weapons has the main mesh as the parent with moving parts (barrel, safety, trigger) as children of the root weapon and bullets in the magazine as children of the magazine.
All weapons feature Partially mirrored UVs as well as increased texel density on important details such as iron sights to make the model look as good as possible in 1k resolution.
All preview media/images are taken using the 1k textures but optional 4k textures are included.
Texture dimensions:1024x1024 For each Gun (4096x4096 Optional Variants)128x128 For Bullets (1024x1024 Optional Variants)
Polycounts:-CZ P07: 1851Tris-KARD: 1795Tris-MakarovL: 2001Tris-Colt 1911: 1688Tris-F12: 1805Tris-GSH-18: 2777Tris-G17: 1676Tris-Automag 2188Tris-44.Auto Bullet 56Tris-9x19mm Bullet 74TrisTotal Polygon Count 17299TrisMinimum polygon count 56TrisMaximum polygon count 3000Tris