Important: Weapon model and textures only
Technical Details:
Texture Size: 4k for the gun, 4k for LAM - 2k for the suppressor (also separate texture for bullet, and glass on LAM)Tris: 5395 gun / Suppressor:1760 / LAM: 2810 / Bullet: 572 Vertices: 2909 gun / Suppressor: 880 / LAM: 1509 / Bullet: 298
General PBR textures: BaseColor Metallic Roughness Normal AO
Unity 5 Textures: Albedo MetallicSmoothness Normal
Unreal Engine 4 textures: BaseColor OcclusionRoughnessMetallic Normal
All textures in png format.
If you want to take a closer look, you can right click the image -> open image in new tab -> F11 for full screen (at least in chrome).