A fully detailed highpoly version of a Meprolight Mepro M5 Red Dot SightMade with 3ds max 2014 it can be open in any version similar or above of max
!!! Substance Painter File is Included !!As we do with almost all our model we include the Substance file in case the buyer wants to edit the model in the future and add mode details to the texture like scratches or dust or even change texture completaly
All the objects of the scene includes the base mesh so it can be edited easily and also the Turbosmooth modifier with one iteration
Notice we export the texture for different software such as:UE4Unity 3DV-rayPBR SpecularPBR MetlanessSubstance Painter Channels
The size of the Textures is 4096x4096This Textures are:DiffuseNormalRoughnessMetalness or SpecularHeightOpacityIOR Just for V-ray
Here a preview of the model in 3ds max and also the editing file of Substance painter that is included in the packhttps://youtu.be/8_vHzq1bSsM