Really well crafted MG34 model but the parenting could use some better work like parenting the ammo belt properly to each other
The MG 34 was a German multipurpose machine gun. It was developed during 134 and entered in service in 1935. It was used as principal gun by the German infantry during the 30s. It was partially replaced by the MG 42 during the second world war. Although its use in the German infantry was reduced, it continued being an important part of the German armament and contunied in production until 1945. It used 7.92 x 57 mauser ammunition and had a fire rate of 800 to 900 rounds by minute and a maximun range of 3500mts.
The model was made by using blender and textured in substance painter, counts with 16954 polygons without the bullets or 55498 polygons with them; and 8 material textures.