|| Makeshift Revolver ||
Makeshift Revolver, Game Ready asset is a high quality, low poly asset originally modeled in 3DS Max 2017.
The normal map was baked from a high poly model in Substance Painter 2020, making this product look very detailed without using many polygons. This product is intended for game/real time/ usage. This model is not intended for subdivision.The polycount is similar to the modern FPS AAA games.
The renders and wireframes were done in Marmoset Toolbag 3. (The triangulation of the the mesh topology is caused by Marmoset).
Low Poly Model:
All the main objects are separately and named correctly for an easy usage.
-This weapon is designed to be modular and ready for animation.
-Includes the bullet
Includes: .obj, .max, .fbx, .3ds files.
.obj,.fbx and .3ds versions exported from 3ds Max 2017 .
An Unreal Engine 4 project is also included with textures. Ready to be used in your game.
An Unity package is also available.
Substance Painter workfile is inclued, for any changed if needed to the textures.
|| Geometry ||
Total (With full magazine, 6 bullets):
11.633 Total Polys
11.246 Total Verts
22.326 Total Tris
Polycount (No Bullets):
10.043 Total Polys
9.656 Total Verts
19.170 Total Tris
Model unwrapped manually to make most efficient use of the UV space.
Model scaled to approximate real world size. All materials and objects named appropriately.
Tested in Marmoset Toolbag 3 (see renders).
No special plug-ins needed to use this product.
|| Textures ||
Textures for Unity 5 and Unreal Engine 4 can be downloaded.
Textures in .targa format:
4k texture set for the Weapon
PBR Textures (Basecolor, ambient occlusion, metallic, roughness, normal)
Unreal Textures (Basecolor,Normal, Occlusion/Roughness/Metallic)
Unity Textures (Albedo/Transparency, Metallic/Smoothness, Normal)