From a real life reference, I've developed the effect of a tank firing. There are 2 distinct simulations, one of them is the muzzle flash and the other is the smoke that it leaves. The smoke has been parameterized in such a manner that tries to resemble how it works in a realistic setting based on the reference, including the direction of the wind.
The muzzle flash effect was created based on a real life reference, and it's measurements are realistic and the result is pretty close to the original
Video on vimeo: https://vimeo.com/526146105.
*The effect is compatible with Houdini 18.5.499 and tested with Houdini 18.0 but, it has some bugs and diferences with the simulation.*The files contain:
The cache simulation is not included on the uploaded file, as it's 66gb. And the tank model is also not included as it wasn't made by me.I'm available for any questions.