Use the software blender, save the version 3.12 at the end, keep most of the component subdivision modifier information, you can downgrade or simplify the model by yourself, the minimum subdivision model face number is 107595, see the screenshot, the rope details are realized by the replacement modifier, keep the modifier untouched Collapsed into a solid model (collapses itself) Displacement maps are provided. The cork uses the sculpting function of blender, uses the Decimate modifier to reduce the ploy acont and retain the modifier, which is convenient for exporting the model, (the Decimate modifier is turned off by default and needs to be opened manually). The model has no UV and no texture except the rope, and the simple material is colored.
Added two obj uploaded, one is the subdivided model, the other is the middle model without subdivision You can get more information from the preview pic.If any question please write to me.