Generic Handgun 9mm Pistol PBR
Texture Size 4096x4096
Texture FormatPNG
Texture MapColor (Albedo)GlossRoughnessMetalnessNormal (DirectX, OpenGL)AO
Texture are also available without Bump Decals for creating own Bump Decals (Generic Logo, Serial Number).
Texture has Generic Logo Bump, but you can use the Normal without the Generic Logo and overlay your Logo or the origin Gun Logo.
Texture Resolution 4096x4096
Texture Resolution can sized down to 2048x2048.
Recommend Texture Resolution 2048x2048
Source MapColor IDNormalAOCurvatureOther
Source Map are for retexturing or editing of the maps.
Files FBX OBJ PNGMarmoset Toolbag 2 (2.08)