DescriptionDescription Description Description Description Description 3D Modelling,Animation,Texturing, Environment Design,StoryBoarding
Rendering scene with all lightning, materials, background setups is included as archive for easy use with seperate lighting sets for every camera angle! ( exactly get the look as you see on studio pictures )
Comes with high quality textures and materials!
Render ready
Using Corona materials with the textures, to achive the quality you see on previews , if necessary easy to use with other render engines or game engines. ( Vray, Arnold, Unreal etc...)
You can use the model with ANY render engine, best result will come with Corona Renderer. Modelled in 3dsMax with passion :)
The last Render is made with this modell fully, you will get exactly the same result.
Check Out my other high quality watches on my profile!
Happy Rendering!