First manufactured in 1847 this pistol is an iconic piece of american history. The pistol comes in two variations, Clean and Rainbow Weathering. Some of the revolvers that are still around today have the same discolouration you see in the renders. Of course the back in 1847 the pistol looked brand new so I included both options.
The revolver is very detailed and suitable for up close renders. This detail comes at a higher poy count, however, this can be reduced at request. I have also split the model into two texture sets to have an overall higher quality of texture.
A PBR metal-roughness workflow was used to make this model. As such there are 6 maps per texture set. These are: BaseColor, Height, Metalness, Roughness, Normal, Ambient Occlusion. All maps are at 4096x4096
If you have any questions/ request feel free to message me here.