Ready for 3Ds Max.
Model prepared only in quads.UV Map Unwrap.Parts Names.All Surface on Nodes + Kray + Octane
Two files:
First High Poly Mesh:
Polygon count: 52637 polyTextures in 8K.
Low Poly Mesh:
Polygon count: 26318Textures in 4K.
LWO two files for: LightWave,Kray,Octane Render.
High Poly (8K)
-Beretta AO (8192x8192)-Beretta Color (8192x8192)-Beretta Metallic (8192x8192)-Beretta Normal Map (8192x8192)-Beretta Reflections (8192x8192)-Beretta Roughness (8192x8192)
Low Poly (4K)
-Beretta AO (4096x4096)-Beretta Color (4096x4096)-Beretta Metallic (4096x4096)-Beretta Normal Map (4096x4096)-Beretta Reflections (4096x4096)-Beretta Roughness (4096x4096)
LWO+High Poly Model and Low Poly 3D Model.OBJ+High Poly Model and Low Poly 3D Model.3Ds Max
Best Regards.Adrian