Adaptable Situational Rifle 16 (Light Machinegun)
Machinegun: check, intermediate sniper rifle: check, assault rifle: check. The rifle equivalent to a multi-tool.
Package includes: Fbx and Obj files of 3D models; Textures; Blender file; Unreal Engine file; Unity file.
Materials are set up in the Blender, Unreal and Unity files. Scenes are set up with textures already.
Blender file is set up with textures and materials, to get it to work correctly, make a file named 'ASR-16' in 'Documents' and place the Blender file and both Textures files in it. This is the path set for the blender textures.
Blender file contains models with the original 4 sided polygons instead of triangles like the others.
Correct parent hierachies set up in all scenes.
No Ngons
Models: (Models are seperated into seperate parts for ease of animation, seperate parts indicated next to model name)
ASR-16: body; selector switch; bolt; dust cover. (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (Tris: 14,848; Verts: 8,021) (4K and 2K texture options)
Venom Red Dot Sight: (Black; Tan; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (Tris: 4,316; Verts: 2,314) (2K)
Dragon Scope (4X/1X Zoom): Scope body; scope lever (Tris: 5,516; Verts: 3,049) (2K textures for scope body; 1K textures for the glass of the scope) (Glass has a transparent material and a non-transparent material)
Polymer Magazines: 30rd mag (5.45x39mm); 30rd mag (7.62x39mm); 45rd bakelite mag (5.45x39mm); 95rd mag (5.45x39mm). (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (30rd 545: Tris: 2,408; Verts: 1,414) (30rd 762: Tris: 2,404; Verts: 1,390) (45rd 545: Tris: 1,214; Verts: 618) (95rd 545: Tris: 5,286; Verts: 2,937) (2K)
Steel Magazines: 30rd mag (7.62x39mm); 40rd mag (7.62x39mm); 75rd mag (7.62x39mm). (Black; Tan; Gold; Digitan; Digicam; Snow) (30rd 762: Tris: 5,268; Verts: 3,013) (40rd 545: Tris: 5,680; Verts: 3,251) (75rd 762: Tris: 3,693; Verts: 2,030) (2K)
5.45mmX39mm Bullet: bullet head; bullet shell. (Tris: 672; Verts: 340) (512x512)
7.62mmX39mm Bullet: bullet head; bullet shell. (Tris: 768; Verts: 388) (512x512)
Stub Grip: (Black; Tan; Green) (Tris: 1,670; Verts: 855) (1K)
Hooked Foregrip: (Black; Tan; Green) (Tris: 1,824; Verts: 929) (1K)
Silencer: (Tris: 1,680; Verts: 840) (1K)
Flash Hider: (Black; Gold) (Tris: 5,292; Verts: 2,646) (1K)
Muzzle Break: (Black; Gold) (Tris: 392; Verts: 192) (1K)
Sniper Flash Hider: (Black; Gold) (Tris: 264; Verts: 132) (1K)
Bipod: clamp; neck; sheild; leg upper left and right; leg lower left and right; spring upper left and right; spring lower left and right. (Tris: 11,022; Verts: 5,648) (2K)
Blender (Default):Base_Color; Height; Metallic; Mixed_AO; Normal_Open_GL; Roughness. (Venom sight and Dragon Scope also contain Opacity and Emissive maps)
Unity: AlbedoTransparency; MetallicSmoothness; Normal. (Also an Emission map for the previously mentioned sights)
Unreal: BaseColor; Normal; OcclusionRoughnessMetallic. (Also an Emissive map for the previously mentioned sights)
All HDRI's found on HDRI Haven
Hope you like it. Kerj-3D