FILE: AR57_update_v5_PACK.zip
-Few minor and major change on mesh.
-Changed lower and stock.
-New textures, not not that damaged as before.
-Added Blender files.
FILE: AR57_upper_v3_PACK.zip
-Added another variant... dont mind version number on file, its v3 of that specific upper. Its separated model if you want to use it as part for other AR lower and longer magazines.
Another cursed rifle, AR Five-Seven that use P90 mags. Known for its weird look as you have standard AR lower and big chunky upper where mag sit as in P90.
Model is rigged, but there are also files with all parts separated.
Model have 4 PBR Materials in 4k + material for Vortex Venom Red Dot. Black and FDE colors are included.
Verts: 27.8K (without ammo in mag: 23.6K )
Tris: 55K (without ammo in mag: 46.8K )
Made in Blender.
NOTE: Model is not made to be 3D printed, do not ask for conversion or scale for it.
NOTE2: I kept old zip files for download if anyone still wanted it.