What's inside?
AAA quality assault rifle with 4K PBR textures, 3 LODs, VFX, SFX, FPS animated arms and environment props.
Package includes Unreal Engine project & imported assets (FBX, TGA, WAV).
Weapon has a modular structure and consists of separate meshes: body (static & skeletal), short & long handguards (static), stock (static & skeletal), iron sighs (static), booster (static), picatinny (static) for parts permutability with our packs. Materials: monochrome - black, sienna, camo - modern, desert, winter, woodland; supports scratch intensity, color, camo colors, metallic parameters. Each arms animation take has 3 versions depended on left hand position (handguard, angled grip, folding grip).
Assault rifle (5.56×45).
Arms animations:
- A pose
- Aim in spring
- Aim out spring
- Bolt action
- Check ammo
- Check ammo bolt catched
- Check chamber
- Check chamber bolt catched
- Check magazine
- Equip
- Equip bolt action
- Fire
- Fire aim
- Fire empty layered
- Holster
- Idle loop
- Idle loop aim
- Inspect
- Interact
- Jog loop
- Jog start
- Jog stop (by jog loop hand position - left, middle, right)
- Jog to jump (by jog loop hand position - left, middle, right)
- Jump landed
- Jump loop
- Jump start
- Jump to jog
- Pick
- Reload empty bolt release push
- Reload empty bolt release slap
- Reload empty charging handle
- Reload loaded
- Sprint loop
- Sprint to jump (by sprint loop hand position - left, middle, right)
- T pose
- Walk loop
- Walk loop aim
Rifle animations:
- Ammo 1 pose
- Ammo 2 pose
- Ammo 3 pose
- Ammo 4 pose
- Ammo 5 pose
- Ammo empty pose
- Bolt action
- Check ammo
- Check ammo bolt catched
- Check chamber
- Check magazine
- Equip
- Equip bolt action
- Fire
- Fire bolt catch
- Fire empty layered
- Holster
- Reload empty bolt release push
- Reload empty bolt release slap
- Reload empty charging handle
- Reload loaded
- Unlocked pose
Stock animations:
- Buffer collapsed pose
- Cheek collapsed pose
Rifle case animations:
Particle Effects:
- Muzzle flash
- Muzzle smoke
- Bolt gas
Sound Effects:
- Bolt drop
- Bolt pull
- Bolt pull half motion
- Bolt release
- Bolt release half motion
- Bolt slap
- Bullet shell drop on concrete (5 variations)
- Magazine attach
- Magazine attach wobble
- Magazine detach
- Magazine drop on concrete (5 variations)
- Safety on
- Safety off
- Shot loud dry (5 variations)
- Shot with silencer dry (5 variations)
- Shot loud wet (5 variations)
- Shot with silencer wet (5 variations)
- Shot tail loud
- Shot tail with silencer
- Trigger push
- Case open
- Case close
Environment Props:
- Ammo box full, container & cover
- Rifle case
- Carton box
- Pallet
Technical Details
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes, custom
- Arms (No LODs, 37228 t / 37296 v)
- Rifle (LOD0: 14468 t / 14928 v, LOD1: 7945 t / 9098 v, LOD2: 2044 t / 2808 v, LOD3: 148 t / 288 v)
- Handguard S (LOD0: 7014 t / 7784 v, LOD1: 4842 t / 5412 v, LOD2: 1234 t / 1658 v, LOD3: 22 t / 32 v)
- Handguard L (LOD0: 11910 t / 13528 v, LOD1: 8264 t / 9428 v, LOD2: 2182 t / 2853 v, LOD3: 32 t / 52 v)
- Stock (LOD0: 3619 t / 3917 v, LOD1: 2199 t / 2468 v, LOD2: 648 t / 823 v, LOD3: 52 t / 100 v)
- Booster (LOD0: 1046 t / 891 v, LOD1: 452 t / 427 v, LOD2: 100 t / 128 v, LOD3: 16 t / 23 v)
- IronSight Front (LOD0: 1622 t / 1663 v, LOD1: 813 t / 895 v, LOD2: 146 t / 196 v, LOD3: 22 t / 46 v)
- IronSight Rear (LOD0: 2044 t / 2130 v, LOD1: 1077 t / 1167 v, LOD2: 139 t / 178 v, LOD3: 24 t / 46 v)
- Picatinny (LOD0: 764 t / 1084 v, LOD1: 520 t / 740 v, LOD2: 160 t / 304 v, LOD3: 10 t / 20 v)
- Case (LOD0: 10830 t / 14686 v, LOD1: 7300 t / 10558 v, LOD2: 1230 t / 2062 v, LOD3: 40 t / 80 v)
- AmmoBox (LOD0: 1620 t / 1362 v, LOD1: 912 t / 922 v, LOD2: 244 t / 340 v, LOD3: 54 t / 108 v)
- Pallet (LOD0: 372 t / 600 v, LOD1: 48 t / 96 v, LOD2: 12 t / 24 v)
- CartonBox (No LODs, 12 t / 24 v)
Number of Unique Meshes: 23
Number of Meshes: 5 Skeletal 21 Static
Number of Materials and Instances: 20 Materials, 72 Material Instances
Number of Textures: 130
Texture Resolutions: 256x256, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096
Number of Particle Effects: 3
Number of Animations: 146
Number of Audio Waves: 46 Stereo, 46 Mono
Number of Audio Cues: 15 Stereo, 15 Mono
Supported Engine Versions: 4.20 - 4.27
- AmericanAssaultRifle - Project for UE 4.27
- AmericanAssaultRifle - Project for UE 4.22 - 4.26
- AmericanAssaultRifle - Project for UE 4.20, 4.21
- - FBX, TGA, WAV imported assets
Сopy the folder AmericanAssaultRifle X.XX/Content/AmericanAssaultRifle to your project's Content folder.
Project Setup
1) Bind axis mappings in project settings similar to official FPS template:
- Turn: MouseX (Scale: 1.0)
- LookUp: MouseY (Scale: -1.0)
- MoveForward: W (Scale: 1.0), S (Scale: -1.0)
- MoveRight: D (Scale: 1.0), A (Scale :-1.0)
2) Set in project settings Near Clip Plane to 2.0
For best animation retargeting results to UE Mannequin follow this steps:
1) Go to UE Mannequin’s (target) skeleton hierarchy, click “Options” (top left), check “Show Retargeting Options”. All bones should be set to “Skeleton”, except ik-hand-root, ik-hand-gun, ik-hand-l, ik-hand-r – set them to “Animation”.
2) lowerarm-twist-01-[side] are keyframe animated to 100% of hand-[side] non gimbal locked roll rotation. To avoid improper lowerarm deformations for target skeleton:
Simple: remove them from humanoid rig for target skeleton before retargeting.
Advanced: create virtual bones which copy location/rotation of lowerarm twists at target skeleton hierarchy and assign them in humanoid rig to source skeleton lowerarm twists. After retargeting it will be possible to use this virtual bones as roll source for manipulating lowerarm twists inside AnimBP (with “Apply percentage of rotation” node). For custom character meshes with corrective blendshapes driving twists manually will be more suitable (via “Twist corrective” or “Pose driver” nodes).
Naming Convention
The project structure and file names are adhered to Unreal Engine's naming convention.
2.1.2 / 15-10-2021
- Added procedural arch trajectory and spring for aiming transition.
- Added smooth transitions for camera shakes.
- Fixed extra push when jog/sprint stopping with inertia.
- Fixed bug when start jogging after aiming out.
- Fixed bug when jumping while full auto shooting.
- Blueprints refactored.
2.1.1 / 22-08-2021
2.1.0 / 04-08-2021
- Added check ammo while bolt catched.
- Added separated versions of check ammo - check magazine, check chamber, check chamber while bolt catched.
- Fixed bugs of locomotion.
- Fixed bugs of playing shot sounds.
2.0.0 / 18-05-2021
- Weapon & parts downscaled to match real world.
- Polycount increased.
- Textures detailing improved.
- Arms design changed, now supports retargeting from/to Epic skeleton directly from A pose.
- Animations redone and added new.
- Sounds redone and added new.
- Content related demo blueprints changes.
Support & Communication
For quick answer responses or help with product, please use email - write us to