Ammunition box with .45 ACP ammo Winchester USA 45 ACP AUTO 230 Grain Metal Jacket Value Pack
45 ACP - 230 Grain FMJ - Winchester USA - 50 Rounds
Hollow-point bullet with a reverse tapered jacket that incorporates six talons specifically designed to expand upon impact. At the same time, it's designed to work even after penetrating though barriers or heavy clothing.
Also available in a +P load, the Winchester Ranger T-Series has a strong reputation among American law enforcement officers. It's certainly among the best .45 ACP ammo for self-defense.
The texture maps include Basecolor, height, metallic, roughness and normal.
File Formats:
.FBX v 2009.3DS.OBJTextures Formats:
Textures 2K in textures 2k.zip Archive (2048 x 2048)
Textures 4K in textures 4k.zip Archive (4096 x 4096)