Animated model, 18 animations!, 10726 triangles (LOD 2898 triangles), textures in TGA and PNG, ready to use in your 3D work.
Separate animation files! Even FACIAL Animation is included (when he is hurt)! Two 2048x2048px textures (Body and armor).
183 MB DOWNLOAD, 7ZIP file
Animation Frames:
» 0 - 0 = bindpose» 1 - 48 = idle» 49 - 92 = walk» 93 - 117 = run» 118 - 150 = attack_idle» 151 - 192 = attack 1» 193 - 232 = attack 2» 233 - 278 = attack 3» 279 - 347 = attack 4» 348 - 450 = attack 5» 451 - 510 = jump» 511 - 526 = hit» 527 - 600 = death» 601 - 740 = recover» 741 - 790 = taunt» 791 - 815 = strafe right» 816 - 840 = strafe left» 841 - 865 = dodge right» 866 - 890 = dodge left...