Animated Futuristic Soldier with 17 animations, 56 bones, 3 materials and 2 LOD stages.
LOD stages:
LOD0: 4,808 verts / 9,328 tris
LOD1: 2,404 verts / 4,580 tris
Animations are already split into sequences (Unity, FBX). Rifle weapon is a separate layer mesh, so you can switch it on and off.
There are 3 different materials (head, body and weapon) - so you can make more variations.
High quality Normal map made from high-poly model is included! Additional textures for Normal and Specular maps are included.
Animation list:
» take 001, 822» idle, 59» walk, 40» walkAndLook, 120» run, 20» shooting, 20» rapidShoot, 50» strafeR, 36» strafeL, 36» backPaddle, 40» jump, 30» crouch, 60» crouchWalk, 40» reload, 55» melee, 20» death, 30» revive, 70» idleWithoutgun, 58