I made this model because of my own vision of BTR APC and combined with other accesiories of m2 bradley and the Remote Control Weappon Station (RCWS). I am eager of making my own vission of APC so i made it.
---New Update in this model----if you are using blender to DOWNLOAD this file please download the updated file the name of the file is TANKERNEW2023onlyUV (1).blend file
the new update is the yellow body collor of the model
(unfortunately when i pack them altogether in on UV map Blender Crashed) so maybe i will pack them one by one
(i think it can be a low poly game ready but its on you to decide)The render doesn't have animation because my system unit is Motherboard - ASUS A68hm-k RAM - 8GB Power Supply - Integrated SSD - 240GB Graphics Card - None