Ring Model is fully ready for 3d printing of plastic,resin, metal or jewelry wax!
Ring skull with Eagle 3d model for 3d printing
Format: .STL, .OBJ, 3dm (Rhino v4., v5, v6 also) (easy to open in any 3d software or 3d printing software all 3d printer support)Recommended material - oxidized silver, vermil gold yellow, white, rose steel also
Types of Pendant:Pendant Size: 60x31x10 mm
Weight information 28 grams. in Ag Silver
Other sizes and format (except .3dm) can be fabricated, just let me know what size you want by using the contact designer button on the right.
Mesh: 1200k+ triangles.
! Sale 3d model, not the actual pendant !
Any questions? Please contact me.More product comming soon
Greetings Maha-Jewels