**2010 and 2013 3dsmax files, Corona + vray files, **Obj + mtl files
Textures, a library of materials Clean file, no background and lighting Models of -3dsmax files are under turbosmooth, models of -obj files are not under turbosmoothPlease pay attention that -obj file must go with compatible -mtl file!
Polygon: 18760 Vertices: 20316
All Models and Texture created by me, please feel free to use it for your projects. Do not resell!
bouquet, flower, leaf, plant, tree, greenery, leaves, décor, decoration, green, branch, nature, pot, bottle, vase, decorative, decor, petals, twigs, interior, simple, elegant, modern, classic, classy, still living, nature, crystal, glass, lily, yellow, summer, sun, sunshine, classic, contemporary, decor set, old, acient, water, underwater, aquatic, sea plant, vanilla flower, flower cushion, hall, composition, decor, decorative, decoration, general decor, vase, glass, crystal, planter, pot