A very nice and helpful seller, helped me to solve the issue. An amazing animated model as well!
This model is modeled 3Ds Max 2018 and rendered Corona 2.0All parts of the model are separate. For the animation movement, the parts on the top are linked to each other with a 'Select and Link' command. The checkered weave on the model was applied in black and white in .jpg format.
Model dimensions are:Length : 57.82 cmWidth : 40.259 cmHeight : 17 cm
Changes have been made to the model:In the main file, the texture of the suitcase was prepared with the general material functions found in 3ds max.There is a modified scene in the rar file named Old suitcase edit which you can see in the attachment.The textures you see in the rendered scene have been prepared and added as a separate jpg.