This package contains 18 low poly objects.
Scene is not included! Only the single objects shown in the galery!!!
Formats: OBJ - FBX - 3DS - DAE
Default Textures: Color - Normal - Specular - Metallness - Gloss - emissive - ao (PNG File Format)
Unity optimized Textures: Albedo - Emission - Height - Metallic - Normal - Occlusion (TGA File Format)
Unreal optimized Textures: BaseColor - AO - Displacement - EmissiveColor - Metalness - Normal - Opacity - Roughness (TGA File Format)
CryEngine optimized Textures: Color - Normal - Specular - Emissive (TIF and DDS File Format)
Scene is not included. Only the single objects, shown in der gallery.
Blinds: Verts: 1.028 - Faces: 688 - Tris: 1.708 - Textures: 2048x2048Carpet: Verts: 2.600 - Faces: 4.992 - Tris: 4.992 - Textures: 2048x2048Chest_of_Drawers: Verts: 3.566 - Faces: 3.937 - Tris: 6.869 - Textures: 4096x4096Corpse: Verts: 4.870 - Faces: 9.487 - Tris: 9.487 - Textures: 4096x4096Drugs: Verts: 3.833 - Faces: 4.180 - Tris: 7.052 - Textures: 2048x2048Fast_Food: Verts: 1.614 - Faces: 1.288 - Tris: 2.935 - Textures: 2048x2048Floor: Verts: 116 - Faces: 59 - Tris: 118 - Textures: 2048x2048Floor:Lamp: Verts: 1.378 - Faces: 1.268 - Tris: 2.712 - Textures: 2048x2048Knife: Verts: 970 - Faces: 866 - Tris: 1.924 - Textures: 1024x1024Lamp: Verts: 4.478 - Faces: 4.574 - Tris: 8.421 - Textures: 2048x2048Little_Trees: Verts: 8.398 - Faces: 6.469 - Tris: 9.220 - Textures: 2048x2048Radiator: Verts: 2.578 - Faces: 4.432 - Tris: 5.282 - Textures: 2048x2048Rocking_Chair Verts: 3.934 - Faces: 5.719 - Tris: 7.768 - Textures: 4096x4096Shelf: Verts: 5.011 - Faces: 4.202 - Tris: 9.346 - Textures: 4096x4096Trolley: Verts: 4.463 - Faces: 7.317 - Tris: 9.138 - Textures: 2048x2048TV: Verts: 1.842 - Faces: 1.473 - Tris: 3.240 - Textures: 2048x2048Wall: Verts: 22 - Faces: 7 - Tris: 14 - Textures: 2048x2048Window_ Verts: 4.030 - Faces: 3.770 - Tris: 7.965 - Textures: 4096x4096