Light Emitting Diode Wtih Illuminating Animation.Light-emitting diode (LED) common semiconductor device used to light source signalling.Details of high tech electronics that are composed of semiconductor material with two terminals for connection to an external circuit.Component of electronics device.For analog electronics, computer technology, computer hardware assembly, radio-electronic engineering, digital electronics, computer hardware, communication devices, digital technology, acoustic devices, computer repair, electronics engineering, high-tech devices, computer repair, television devices, school education, electronics repair, electronic components, electronic devices, and electronic details documentary, educational, promotional, or marketing projects.
Light Emitting Diode Wtih Illuminating Animation is a high quality, photo real 3d model that will enhance detail and realism to any of your rendering projects. The model has a fully textured, detailed design that allows for close-up renders, and was originally modeled in 3ds Max 2021 and rendered with V-Ray. Renders have no postprocessing!Hope you like it!
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erikyavrumyan is a team of 3D artists with over a 15 years of experience. The company participated in various projects allowing us to learn our clients needs. Every model we build goes through thorough Quality assessment both visual and technical to make sure the assets look realistic and the models are of the best quality, which you can tell by looking at the renders - none of the has any postprocessing.
We produce 3D models. This is our main activity. Our goal is to create a 3D copy of all objects on the world.Buy 3D models from professionals!Also check out our other models, just click on our user name to see complete gallery.(c) erikyavrumyan - 2021