Old sewer with mud and green-black mold in walls. This package offers a 3D fully-constructed sewer model and 23 different modular assets with which you can build a huge sewer system. Every mesh of a 3D model has the same name as the applied texture. Material applied with uv coordinates and texture with mipmap. I need to say all renderings are made with older softwares so it will not give a good preview. I am sure it will render in a better way with the newest Unity program or Unreal. And all the meshes has only one texture applied and that one is diffuse map. However, the textures package ( tga format ) comes also with normal_map and specular_map. Before exporting, all the models where smoothed
3D models are in fbx format(2013 plugin version), 3ds Max(2010) and obj/mtl format
Textures coming in 2 folders. First one contain 42 items in tga format with diffuse, normal map and specular map and with varied sizes. The second archive coming with 50 items in dds format and varied sizes. Every diffuse map have 2 normal maps(dds format), one with transparency and strong contrast and the other opaque, common. You choose wich one suits you. It looks like that:
tga:brickwall_d = diffuse mapbrickwall_n = normal mapbrickwall_s = specular map
dds:brickwall_d = diffuse mapbrickwall_n = normal mapbrickwall_n_transparency = normal mapbrickwall_n_transparency_invertedY = normal map