Etro MYTHOS dining tableMythology meets design in Mythosdining table, a scenographicpiece of furniture whose mainprotagonist is the most famousamong the winged horses, Pegasus,the heraldic figure symbol of theEtro brand. Facing each other in adynamic position and resting on abase that recalls the shape of anarrow, the two mythological animalssupport the glass top through theplay of their wings, visible throughthe transparency. The brass details,of the symbol that recalls the initialletter of the Etro brand, embellishand illuminate the whole giving thetable an eclectic charm, in perfectEtro Home Interiors style.Base in matte dark wengè dyedwood with details in polished brass.Pegasus in Red lacquered finishing.Top in extraclear bevelled glass.
3000x1200 h=77086950 polys87064 verts.Formats: 3Ds Max 2015+OBj