Co-working Lounge Area Scene
All 3d models and textures are done by me. Fully complies with copyright rules and rules. You are not allowed to resell this model. Or share anywhere. Only for personal use.3ds max 2014 -obj and fbx format -vray Render -Render setups, lights, camera, and texturesIf necessary, you can contact me to 24/7 convert other formats and any questions. i will reply to you quickly. my email:
Lightweight modelSuitable for medium to long-range shotsThe model is suitable for visualization of the interior, as well as renderers of public places, different uses, etc.
Polys: 8,992,070Verts: 6,485,220
The model was created in 3D Max 2014, textured and rendered using vray.The model is built on a real-world scale.System unit setup used- millimeters.Texture paths are stripped.Scene objects and materials are properly named.
Render and materials have been configured for max-vray render,if you use FBX format, some materials may not be displayed correctly.
File 3dmax 2014 with materials for vrayTexturesOBJFBX
Enjoy rendering!