Created in blender 2.90 (versions of 2.82 and before need to be rebaked in order to get the eevee lighting to display)
NOTE: (as of 2023) To make this model more accessible for all: All licensed textures have been replaced by copyright-free (cc0) textures.
The book textures are custom made by me
All renders on this page are made in Eevee, The renders that are made in cycles have added text that states that.
This product contains a ready to render library with high quality lighting, textures and furniture.
This is a classic style library with gothic elements (inspired by gothic cathedral interiors)
The lighting is fully set up and baked for efficient realtime Eevee performance by using a irradiance volume, reflection cubes, screen space reflections and ambient occlusion.
There is also a Cycles version included which has slightly modified stained glass to let colored sunlight trough and a good sample/denoise setup. it also uses adaptive displacement for 3D stone walls and stair effects
Design features:
Arched interior bridge.Detailed vaulted ceilings and stone arches.Large stained glass windows that fill the scene with natural light.Cast iron chandeliers that light up the smaller spaces.High quality cast iron spiral staircases and railings.Detailed woodworking
Other technical specs:
File extensions: (All files are exported from Blender with default settings.)
(all textures are available in the textures folder)