Barbeque grill | 3d model produced by Berglund3d
BBQ ready to fill you'r scen. Created in 3ds Max and V-Ray renderer. File units are centimeters and all models are accurately scaled to represent real-life object's dimensions.
BEFORE PURCHASE We highly recommend that you download few of our FREE 3D MODELS and test if they work well with your 3d software before making a purchase.
Output curves Falloff maps cannot be exported. Who works with V-Ray version lower than SP1, pay attention to materials section BRDF (Microfaset GTR (GGX)), if your version is older than SP1 - this option will be empty and you have to choose: Blinn,Ward or Phong, depence on material.
ABOUT THE IMAGERY Previews rendered in 3dsMax using VRay. Please note that the studio scenes and light and environment settings are not included.