This pack includes only Office from Russian Estate House.In the pack you will find modular pieces and props for creating russian office environment.Features:
Modular ElementsVertex paintable and RMA masked materialsOpenable doors and drawersHigh quality furniture, small props and textures
Texture Sizes: From 64x64 to 4096x4096. Most props are 4k, Tileables from 1k to 2k
Collision: Yes (automatically generated)
Vertex Count: From 9 to 20000
LODs: Yes (custom and automatically generated) for most props
Number of Meshes: 172
Number of Blueprints: 32
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 219
Number of Textures: 360
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS