Realistic Neoclassic Luxury Interior Design Scene 3D
About the model:
This scene was constructed with utmost care and attention to detail, with clean edge flow. (please check wire frame images).
Very high quality easy to manage shaders used.
Render scene/lighting, HDRI and all material included.
Ready for closeup shots.
File is ready to render.
Vray setting (V-Ray 3.20.02)
Model is built to real-world scale.
System unit setup used- centimeter.
Its ready to multiply subdivision reasonably.
Colors can be easily modified.
Different parts of the model are named properly. 3ds Max models are grouped for easy selection.
No part-name confusion when importing several models into a scene.
No cleaning up necessary. Just drop your models into the scene and start rendering.
No additional plugin is needed to open the model.
The scene is suitable for realistic interior visualization.
-All format and texture in rar file.
File Formats:
Rate to let others know about the quality!To check out my other models you just need to click on my user name.Thank you !
Design by Buerta Design Studio